Alva Christo Y. W.

Simulacra - A Photo Exhibition
Curator : James Trent [ ]
“Simulacra”, a photography exhibition by Alva Christo Y. W. that explores about the loss of distinctions between reality and simulation. The main photography theme is a mix of conceptual, portrait, and contemporary-editorial. According to Jean Baudrillard, Simulacra defined as simulation is more important the actual reality. This means there are cultural, value, and ideology changes in the postmodern society. The aim of this exhibition is about bringing the viewers to a different world that clearly shows simulation – a real world with surrealistic activities. Aside of eye-pleasing photos exhibited, the show also become a critic and reminder to us about consumerism that actually already assimilated in our body. The exhibition presented both between analogue and digital photography products.

Knowledge tend to be temporary nowadays, with shallow understandings and lightweight memory capacity. Because we received a lot of informations everyday, sometimes we just skim through the informations.

Do it yourself. As everything is easier and efficient, we can do everything by our own. The industry is watching us while we are fulfilling our ego. We can make our own market, our own consumers.

We are allowed to change the game - end the game - based on our own will. We tend to follow our emotions, once we feel superior we will do anything to avoid loss.

Imaginations, dreams, ideas, and hopes. We project ourselves in the dreamland to do impossible stuffs. There is a fine line between reality and simulation.

Consumerism. Can you overcome what you eat? Can you feel what your organs said every night? Will you stay healthy?

The demands of love. We are all waiting our partners. But you decide, what will happen next.

We received lots of expectations form the society. The need to consume this and that is high. We've been pushed to be efficient, to work all day, to be better everyday. Reaching society's expectation is a never ending journey.

You can be anything you want. You can gather all the resources to power yourself. You can be anyone. Be successful as soon as possible. You do you.

Traditions only become a skin layer of the culture. A loss of an identity in the society. Traditions becoming an icon, all the core just disappeared and shifted.

The world can fits in your pocket, imagine how human can be controlled by a technology. The god is in your hand.

When informations overcoming the mankind. The expectation to know all the possible life lessons is high. To be the best is to be tortured by knowledge.

I am the universe (1) The concept of a man as the center of the universe. With technologies empower the mankind nowadays, there is nothing impossible. A reflection of narcism and egoism.

I am the universe (2) The concept of a man as the center of the universe. With technologies empower the mankind nowadays, there is nothing impossible. A reflection of narcism and egoism.

Once you tried to chase that light, but you failed. Will you drowned in sadness and regret?

It's a monster inside you that can awake anytime. The more you think about a problem, the stronger it gets.

A common crisis among the teenagers. A phase of knowing yourself. A phase of building characters and who you are. A phase of finding your core.

Try to live with your fear. The fear is consuming you overtime. You can't run. You can't hide.

Join the ecstasy (1) Can you believe in something vague? Can you distinguish the superficials? Can you detach from the addiction?

Join the ecstasy (2) Can you believe in something vague? Can you distinguish the superficials? Can you detach from the addiction?

Join the ecstasy (3) Can you believe in something vague? Can you distinguish the superficials? Can you detach from the addiction?

Join the ecstasy (4) Can you believe in something vague? Can you distinguish the superficials? Can you detach from the addiction?